Search for rooms in Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square and nearby

Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square

Budget accommodation located at about 2 km from the center of Shanghai. In this accommodation you can find affordable prices, from $102. Offers to its customers free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square offers several amenities, being some of the most relevants: parking, free parking, restaurant and air conditioned. About the remarcable places, close to Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center and Shanghai Museum.


Photo - Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square Photo - Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square Photo - Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square Photo - Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square Photo - Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square

Price by night

You can book your room in Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square from $102.


Campanile Shanghai Railway Station and People's Square reviews


Very good

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Location / Directions

Address: No.1455 South Suzhou Road. 200041 Shanghai. China.